Aluminum cladding system for meeting rooms.
The meeting room is the beating heart of the office, the place where the most important decisions are made and where you meet to share ideas. We share the same vision with the Cosmet Group.
Making tradition your strength does not mean not innovating, rather it means adapting your spaces to change, always remaining faithful to your bones. With this aim we have donated design and warmth to the meeting room of the Cosmet headquarters in Policoro.
Contemporary design and Exclusive finish in corten to innovate and warm the working environment, making it cozy.PROJECT DETAILS
Policoro - Italy
Antonietta Delfino
Corten - Ferro (Exclusive)

The total structure in SKIN BATTENS LIGHT consists of aluminum slats decorated with the Exclusive hyperrealistic finish in corten, alternating with iron spacers to create a refined effect of depth. To enhance the perception of movement and three-dimensionality, the slats are arranged both vertically and horizontally.
The aluminum system circumscribes and divides different environments: the conference space is divided by the bar located on the opposite side. The walls of the bar are covered up to the ceiling and are illuminated from above with warm LED lights arranged inside the slats.
SKIN BATTENS LIGHT Design, Eleganza e profondità alle sale meeting.